There were 50 female & 1 male monkey in a small cage. It was announced that whoever will identify the male monkey in 1 minute will be awarded with huge cash.
1st Obama went: He failed.
2nd Bush went in but he also failed.
3rd Musharaff went in he also failed.
4th Manmohan wen in & came back in 10 second with a male monkey.
Everyone was amazed & they asked how he found the male one just in 10 seconds.
MM said: I went in & told them: Vote Congress ko hi dena, aur kissi ko mat dena.
Then only one replied: Laud@ le mera.
"नंगी" तलवार हो या "नंगी" औरत दोनों से बचना चाहिए🗡👸🏻 क्योंकि "नंगी" तलवार आपका खून निकाल सकती है🗡 और "नंगी" औरत आपका पानी 💦निकाल सकती है..!! 😂😂😝🙊🙊😝😂😂