A girl went to introduce the man she wanted to get married to,
Father: "So you want to marry my daughter,what do you do for a living?"
Man: "I just got out of prison,I will search for a job soon"
Father: "Whaaaat......!!!!!! You were in prison and you want to marry my daughter with that bad record
What did you do?"
Man: "I killed a person"
Father: "What did the person do?"
Man: "He denied me to marry his daughter"
Father: "Welcome to the family son" :P :D
"नंगी" तलवार हो या "नंगी" औरत दोनों से बचना चाहिए🗡👸🏻 क्योंकि "नंगी" तलवार आपका खून निकाल सकती है🗡 और "नंगी" औरत आपका पानी 💦निकाल सकती है..!! 😂😂😝🙊🙊😝😂😂